Single Player is $125 and $500 per Foursome until August 10th
The registration fee for a Single Player is $125 and $500 per Foursome until August 10th, so be sure and take advantage of the Early Bird pricing! Prices go up to $150 Single and $600 Foursome August 11th.
Fees includes the greens fee for 18 holes w/cart on the beautiful DeLaveaga Golf Club: Includes: Green fees, cart, and a BBQ Chicken Dinner. Complimentary beverages while on the course, and a goody bag. Prizes for 1st place foursome, Hole-In-One contest, Longest Drive/ Closest to the Pin Awards, Raffle, Prizes and much more.
100% of the proceeds this year will be donated to the family of Sgt Damon Gutzwiller
We are currently accepting monetary donations and as well as raffle items toward the “Santa Cruz POA Golf Classic.” The SCPOA would greatly appreciate any contributions toward our event.
Should you have any questions feel free to email the event coordinator at info@santacruzpoa.com